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ZD / ZA / ZR 330-644

ZD / ZA / ZR 330-644

High Speed Position Counters and Differential Counters with 2 Encoder Inputs


Series ZA:  Includes fast analog outputs
                     +/– 10 V and 0/4 – 20 mA

Series ZD:  Without analog output, otherwise
                     similar to series ZA

Series ZR:  With serial RS485 interface

  • 2 encoder inputs, each with channels A, /A, B, /B and individual
    impulse scaling. Counting frequency 1 MHz per encoder
  • Impulse inputs programmable to all prevalent signal formats as TTL,
    RS422, HTL, single channel or quadrature, single-ended or differential
  • Exceptional choice of functions and counting modes as single counter,
    sum or differential counter, diameter calculator with winding rolls,
    real-length indicator with flying cut-to-length applications etc.
  • Programmable linearization curves (for each encoder input separately)
  • 4 preselections with fast-switching transistor outputs (switching capability 350 mA)
  • All models include serial RS232 interface
  • Display alternatively 6 decades / 15 mm (.56") or 8 decades / 10 mm (.36")
  • Range includes also models with relay outputs and with front thumbwheel switches

*We would like to inform you that we will discontinue the production of the ZAxx, ZDxx, SAxx, SDxx, IAxx and IDxx indicator series on July 1st, 2024 due to the availability of components.
With this letter, we would like to give you the opportunity to take the necessary measures at an early stage.  In certain applications, the DX350 or IX350 devices from the touchMATRIX® series can be used as a substitute. *

Please contact sales for more information on substitutes.


Table of Available Models

Model Table 3