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FM210: Frequency Multiplier / Frequency Divider

The function of the fast and stable frequency multiplier FM210 is comparable to a gearbox. The transmission ratio between the primary and secondary side can be freely configured. Dividend and divisor can be parameterized in the range from 0.0005 ... 9.9999 with two parameters. This enables the setting of division ratios without cumulative residual errors. In addition to this accuracy, the FM210 converter offers excellent control behavior. The output signal is readjusted precisely and vibration-free, even with dynamic frequency and speed changes. With this frequency-accurate and pulse-consistent modulation, the FM210 is ideally suited for synchronizing drives and camera systems.

 Technical data

  • Pulse input with format A, B, Z [HTL single ended, TTL single ended] or
    A, /A, B, /B, Z, /Z [RS422, HTL differential]
  • 4 control inputs for HTL, PNP signals [10 ... 30 VDC]
  • Input and output frequency up to 1 MHz
  • 3 incremental outputs with format A, /A, B, /B, Z, /Z, Push-Pull,
    [8 … 29 VDC]
  • Power supply 9 ... 30 VDC
  • Snap-on housing for top hat rail (acc. EN 60715)
  • Multiplier / divisor adjustable as quotient F1 / F2
  • Multiplication / division without cumulative residual errors
  • Additional functions such as jog, trim, offset and reference